Conclude MoCap Clover
Conclusion of the educational document
In the pursuit of academic excellence, both theoretical and application based contributions remain the driving force behind my work. I gather the theoretical results of this work into publications where the technological details behind the testing remains unknown, however I was very happy to accumulate my learnings into an educational product to benefit open source robotic users and developers, specifically with the Clover platform.
Research is a lot of time spent learning through trial and error, especially with the application components whether that be simulation or experiment. I tried my best to map out my thought process through the debugging stages in the hopes it will benefit other developers in the pursuit of excellence.
While this document provides a sufficient basis for testing, there is still an endless amount of room to development for this knowledge basis. I could start with an improved trajectory generation module that produces smoother setpoints for better tracking and feedforward control. An increased number of examples could also be provided with or without the motion capture system setup.
Lastly, I would like to thank the entire COEX team that supported me through the development stages of this project. I would like to give a special thanks to Oleg Kalachev for helping me with extensive debugging during late night hours in the lab working on data fusion and understanding the details of the COEX Clover platform. At the time, the help benefited no one but me and my research, therefore giving back with this educational document is something I am glad I can do.
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